Admin Code of Honor

In proper Minecraft, A hard worker with a pickaxe may swing away in the mines for days on end, just to gather SOME of the resources needed to build a fortress. An admin (or some fool playing creative mode) may spawn a fortress instantly and for free, but will never have honor. Admins carry a powerful burden and responsibility. Good admins are the content creators for the rest of the players. We create lore and history. Legend and reward. Quests and enemies, dungeons, adventure, and death. All aspects of life can be altered at a whim. The only cost is your soul. When you cant die, it can be strange to live. Stranger than most imagine. Jump off a massive cliff and land on your feet. Jump into a volcano and swim across it to see what’s on the other side. Realize that you are still on fire but there is no pain. The admin’s only honor comes with the power of content creation and by interacting with others without their knowing. Admins should never flaunt or abuse their powers. This ruins the game. Mortals must never perceive these powers. No one saw it. It came like that. No one wants to grind cobblestone for hours when some jerk is spawning out infinite diamond blocks for free. Most players are eager to accept this cheat, however there is no honor in this. They don’t know any better, and It is up to the admin to set the standards. It is up to us to nurture a world worthy of life.

“Creative mode has no soul.”


TURN UP the difficulty. Don’t ban them when they die but make the world dangerous. No great adventure comes without severe risk! Let them get murdered by skeletons again and again. They will learn to fight or hide.

Earn the blocks. Do the time. Spend hours digging mines where the sun never shines. How long have they been down here? Sounds like spiders…

BECOME. REDSTONE. Feel the pulsing energy of this magical red dust. Most people just copy what they see on youtube. This is a start, but try experimenting on your own soon after. Learn the systems.

Ancient Abandoned Technodrome: Highly Unstable Redstone, Infested with Cave Spiders 
Be dynamic and unpredictable.

Spawn one extra large tree in a distant forest. Hollow out the trunk and create a staircase or ladder up into an abandoned forest wizard’s tree house. Leave lore and treasure map hidden in a secret chest under the bed. Leave dark and open to the dangers of the forest. Tell no one.

Travel far far away. Dig and drain a massive hole 2 Chunks wide all the way to bedrock in the middle of the ocean. Have stairs that go down into the cobblestone warehouse and gateway into the slime pit. Very dangerous. Break all of the torches and abandon it for someone to discover. Tell no one.

Excavate an entire desert to construct a glass and brick factory. Use the factory to manufacture a lavish royal wasteland super highway. Then break all of the torches and abandon it for someone to discover. Tell no one.

Build an entire pyramid hidden underground near some desert ruins somewhere. Leave a solid emerald and gold block out in the open and booby trap it. Fill it with treasure and skeletons and tell no one.

Sink a loaded merchant ship deep in the sea near a strange glowing structure.

Create history. Lore brings life to the world and gives players foundation and meaning. Make it available but don’t force it. Never hand over the endgame. Simply create possibilities and go with the flow. This applies to life in general.

Go with the flow

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