“The easiest secret to keep is one that no one will believe anyway.”
When we talk about UFO’s or alien stuff, we usually get one of two types of responses. Many people express full and total denial. It’s just too weird to really think about and it challenges core beliefs. They would much rather talk about the weather or literally anything else. Other people will agree right away and then go off the deep end head first. Weird conspiracy theories, bouncing around, jumping to conclusions, and mixing everything up. Both of these types of people should practice at logical reasoning.
Use your brain and ask some questions.
All problem solving involves the same process. It doesn’t matter if you are trying to fix the TV remote, trying to solve a crime, or identify some strange flying object. Start at the beginning. Identify the variables. Look at all of the data available and hypothesize. Test that hypothesis. Take a systematic approach and open your mind to all possibilities. Question your faith.
It seems like the United States government has always attempted to cover up UFO data. From Roswell in the 1940’s to Project Bluebook, all the way up to recent times. In public, the US Air Force and other alphabet agencies have historically always denied anything related to UFOs. It’s Classified but also somehow It Never Happened? Declassified internal documents have shown us a very different narrative. They admit that this is a very real phenomenon and a matter of urgent national security. The bureaucratic paper trail is obscene.
Without data, all we have is speculation and conspiracy.
Let’s look at some real data:
On April 12, 2021, the Pentagon confirmed the authenticity of pictures and videos taken by Navy personnel which show clear and striking evidence of UAP. These objects appear to defy our understanding of physics and exceed the possibilities of all known technology. The news was so extraordinary that people didn’t even believe it. No one was seriously talking about it at all and many still don’t believe it. Like it or not, the data is clear.
We are not talking about a shaky iphone video
held by some goofball in a parking lot.
This data comes from military grade infrared, radar, electro-optical, and weapon seeker systems from literally the most advanced Navy fighter jets on planet earth. There are witness testimony from exceedingly well trained and respected fighter pilots, copilots, and support crew of the USS Nimitz, USS Russell, USS Omaha, and others.
The All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) call them unidentified aerial phenomena or UAP. Perhaps they want to rebrand UFO’s to make them sound less alien so people will pay attention or something.
Makes it easier to talk to congress I bet.
Dr. Sean M. Kirkpatrick is the current Director of AARO. On Wednesday, April 19th, 2023 Dr. Kirkpatrick addressed the Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities (114th Congress) about the real life issues and concerns with UAP. During the session with Congress, Dr. Kirkpatrick dissects footage recorded from a MQ-9 drone featuring UAP. He attempts to explain two of them away as commercial airline and camera glitch. I partly agree. I disagree about his explanation for the distortion field effect on South Asia UAP 1. If it were simply an effect of the camera, why doesn’t the other drone in that same shot display the same movement effects? If South Asia UAP 2 is a commercial jet, we should be able to find some records of it. We should have corresponding radar data and flight records for that flight right? The Middle East UAP looks like that shit from Phantasm. IDK what the hell this one is. Dr. Kirkpatrick recommends more study and on that note I agree. Man, wouldn’t it be great if we had already been studying this stuff since the 1940’s?
Click this link below and Scroll down to the bottom past the first video and see the rest for yourself.
Will AARO do some real work or will this be yet another cover up?
Will AARO ever gain access to the data and physical evidence likely gathered by Project Sign, Project Grudge, and Project Bluebook? Not the fake balloon shit either, I mean the real shit. Will this all get swept under the rug again and end up being another Robertson Panel?
How many more decades are we going to waste being ignorant?
One thing is certain. These flying objects are very real.
November 14, 2004. The radar operators aboard the USS Princeton, a part of the Nimitz carrier group, detected an object that went from a stationary position to traveling 60 miles in a minute, which equates to 3,600 miles per hour. It dropped from the sky at more than 30 times the speed of sound. Our Brand new F/A-18 Super Hornet fighter jets went out to investigate this nonsense, reaching our top speed of Mach 1.6, or about 1,200 miles per hour. It was discovered to be hovering over turbulent waters beneath the ocean’s tranquil surface. This led to speculation that another craft had entered the water. Gary Vorhees, a radar operator on the USS Princeton, later confirmed that a Navy sonar operator in the area that day had detected a craft moving at a speed of over 70 knots, roughly twice the speed of nuclear submarines. Black Aces squadron commander David Fravor was unable to keep up and described the craft to look like a big ass tic-tac performing rapid lateral movements like a ping pong ball. Maneuvers which would liquify a human occupant. Was it a hypersonic drone, how can it maneuver so fast? What is its propulsion system? What the hell was it doing in the ocean?
Most importantly, who is controlling it?
The Office of the Director of National Intelligence lists four possible categories.
I summarized it for you:
#1 Airborne Clutter: These objects include birds, balloons, shitty drones from ebay, shit falling out of commercial airlines, or airborne debris like plastic bags and other bullshit that don’t look like anything like what we saw.
#2 Natural Atmospheric Phenomena: Natural atmospheric phenomena like ice crystals, moisture, and thermal fluctuations that may register on some infrared and radar systems. A normal glitch in the matrix.
#3 Foreign Adversary Systems: Some UAP may be technologies deployed by China, Russia, another nation, or corporate space X ninjas.
#4 Other: ? ? ? We don’t know.
I’m not sure how that last one is its own category. If we don’t know then it’s not in a category yet is it? Category #4 is like a junk drawer and we need to dig through it and put this stuff where it goes. Even if it turns out to be aliens I feel like that goes in #3.
Some of these modern sightings may be hypersonic drones but with no wings? No propellers or jets? What about older reports of similar craft? Some of these may be glitches in equipment. There have been thousands of official reports. A great deal remain unexplained.
IDK man. Personally, I believe Bob Lazar more than I believe our government. Too many people have seen the same types of things all over the planet. Decades before hypersonic missiles and drones. Entire towns have seen these things, some of them a mile wide. It sure as hell wasn’t swamp gas.